UNACWCA Ghana Swears In New Ambassadors

The goodwill ambassadors being sworn in in Accra

Accra, Ghana//-The United Nations Association Commission for Women and Children Affairs Ghana (UNACWCA) has sworn in its new ambassadors with a call on them to dedicate themselves to the projects to be taken by the Association.

The ambassadors who were decorated at the Accra International Conference as Goodwill Ambassadors would champion better living standards among women and children in the country.

They would also help mobilize financial resources to put up a shelter for children and young girls on the streets of Accra and other urban cities.

A High Court Judge, Her Ladyship Justice Hafisata Amaleboba administered the oath of office to 15 goodwill ambassadors physically while a number of them took theirs online.

The President General, Chief Executive Officer and Chief UN Ambassador of the Word of Life Ministries International and Vice President of the International Third World Leaders Association in charge of the UN and Diplomatic Affairs, Dr Philip S. Phinn urged the new ambassadors to execute their duties to the best of their abilities.

Dr Phinn who was the guest speaker also encouraged them to dedicate themselves to the work of the Association to enable them achieve their goals.

In his acceptance speech, Goodwill Ambassador, Reverend Daniel Asiedu assured that they are up to the task in spite of the challenges.

UK Goodwill Ambassador Mavis Amankwah, who joined virtually, admonished her colleague ambassadors to take advantage of technology to look for solutions for the challenges facing the poor and the vulnerable, especially women and children.

Among the goodwill ambassadors were- Highlife Artiste Kuami Eugene; gospel musician Ohemaa Mercy, and Nana Otimpie Aben Ababio Otumfuohene Sasaamo Paninhene II.

African Eye Report


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