Accra Brewery Holds Health Clinic For Expectant Mothers

ablACCRA Brewery Limited, brewers of some of Ghana’s most popular alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, today, held a health clinic to commemorate Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder(FASD) awareness day.

The day, which is commemorated every year, is to sensitize society, especially expectant mothers, about the risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

This year in Ghana, the company is partnering the German development agency, GIZ, to hold a health enlightenment clinic at the Out Patient Department (OPD) of the Ridge Hospital in Accra.

Accra Brewery deployed doctors and healthcare professionals from the Ridge Hospital to educate expectant mothers on the effects of alcohol on the unborn child and provide tips to help prevent Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

This effort to minimize the unwanted effects of alcohol on the unborn childis part of the company’s wider on-going efforts to engage its stakeholders to collectively address and promote responsible drinking.

Commenting on the initiative, Adjoba Kyiamah, Director , Corporate and Legal Affairs Director, ABL, noted that, as a market leader, the company adheres to exemplary ethical conduct in all its activities, as part of its commitment to sustainable development, adding ,a key focus in this regard is the promotion of a sociable world where our products are developed, marketed, sold and consumed with high regard for individual and community well-being.

She said since February 2013, Accra Brewery has organized several Responsible Retailing programmes within the environs of Accra and Tema. So far 305 retailers have been trained in areas including Alcohol and the Law; Alcohol and Pregnancy; Alcohol and the Body; and Underage Drinking.

“Today’s event is another facet of the wider, on-going campaign to ensure that both the retailers and the consumers of alcohol in Ghana, do so responsibly such that it does not produce unwarranted effects on people’s health and the societal fabric,” she stated.

Ms Kyiamah assured participants that Accra Brewery will continue to address and promote issues of responsible drinking into the future in collaboration with its development partners such as GIZ and stakeholders in its business.

Accra Brewery Limited, the oldest brewing company in Ghana, has been a leading player in the country’s alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage industry since 1931, offering a wide range of what has become some of the most favourite brands among Ghanaian consumers such as Club Premium Lager, Castle Milk Stout, Stone Larger and Eagle Lager.

 —African Eye News

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