MTN Ghana CEO Pays Courtesy Call On Ga Mantse

The CEO of MTN Ghana and his senior officials in a memorable with Ga Mantse (seated) after the courtesy

Accra, Ghana//-The Chief Executive Officer of MTN Ghana, Stephen Blewett today paid a courtesy call on the Ga Mantse, Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II at his private residence in Accra to introduce himself to the King of the Ga State.


Mr Blewett who recently replaced Selorm Adadevoh as the CEO was at the residence of the King to introduce himself as part of Ghanaian and African custom.

“I am here to introduce myself to you as the CEO of MTN Ghana and to say that I am committed to your kingdom and the country of Ghana”, he said.

Mr Blewett assured the King that the company is looking forward to continuing their good relationship with the Palace.

In his words: “We look forward to continuing our good relationship and working with the projects that His Majesty will be supporting and to be a part of that”.

Mr Blewett who has been working for MTN for the past eight and in different countries hopes to spend many years working in Ghana.

Mr Blewett who led a high-power delegation to the King’s residence thanked the King of the Ga State for their unflinching support.

Welcoming the CEO and his delegation, Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II said he was honoured to receive the CEO and team.

He has this to say: “I feel very honoured that you have come to share the beginning of your journey in Ghana with us”.

The King noted that MTN Ghana could partner him to undertake several development projects for the benefits of the people living in the Ga State.

He therefore urged the telecom giant to support him in the upcoming Homowo festival to make it a grandiose event.

The King used the occasion to express gratitude to MTN for supporting him during the funeral activities of the late Paramount Queen of Accra.

From l-r Ms Wiafe, Ga Mantse, and CEO of MTN Ghana, Mr Blewett

The MTN Ghana delegation included the CEO; MTN Ghana Chief Corporate Services and Sustainability Officer, Ms Adwoa Wiafe; Ms Efua Falconer; and Ms Sheila Sorinye.

African Eye Report





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