COVID-19 Cases In Ghana Keep Rising, Now 6,808

Accra, Ghana, May 25, 2020//-Ghana today recorded an increase of 125 new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections, bringing the caseload to 6,808.

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) which announced this explained that 13 of the new cases were from the Ashanti Region, seven from the Central Region, 67 from the Western Region and 38 from the Greater Accra Region.

The Greater Accra still remains the epicentre of the pandemic in Ghana with 4,836 cases.

Out of the 16 regions of the country, 14 regions have so far affected by the ravaging pandemic.

Meanwhile 72 more people have recovered from the disease which brought the total recoveries to 2,070. The country also lost 32 people to the disease.

African Eye Report

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