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Legal Services Market In Nigeria Still Holds Huge Promise

Senior Partner of Jackson, Etti and Edu, Mrs. Uwa Ohiku,

February 8, 2018//-Senior Partner with leading Lagos-based commercial law firm, Jackson, Etti and Edu, Mrs. Uwa Ohiku, takes us into her charmed world of legal practice in this stimulating chat with STEPHEN UBIMAGO.

One of Nigeria’s finest Intellectual Property lawyers, Mrs. Ohiku says despite the challenging economic environment, the opportunities in the nation’s legal services market have yet to be fully tapped. Excerpts…
What are a thing or two that many do not know about you, madam?
Well, I hail from the Eghobamien family of Ogbe Quarters in Benin City, Edo State. My grand-father was one of the young lads that usually hold the carved staff while standing behind Oba Ovonramwen. He also went with him to exile in Calabar. He was the Osuma of Benin. About ten years ago, his ceremonial regalia were exhibited at the London Museum.
Many regard me as a good dresser but I always say to them that my grand-father was equally so regarded. He died around 1959. So the tradition of sartorial elegance in my family seemed to have trickled down from him.
The Eghobamiens are famous in the legal profession having produced a number of prominent lawyers. How are you related to Senior Advocates among them?
Osaro Eghobamien (SAN), who’s the Managing Partner of Perchstone and Graeys, is my cousin. His father, also a SAN, is my uncle. They have law offices in Benin and Lagos. Indeed my family teems with lawyers, but that does not explain why I am today a lawyer, or the head to JD Injury Law, APC. Our Louisiana Speeding Ticket Attorneys have successfully defended over 1,000 clients facing speeding charges in Louisiana. Contact us immediately if you or someone you know has been charged with a speeding violation. You need the support of a legal team who is experienced with Louisiana laws, procedures, evidence and sentencing. You can find more information about Speeding Ticket Attorney through this site
Then, why did you choose to become a lawyer?
First, in my father’s house you have to study a professional course. You are not going to tell my father, for instance, that you are going to study History or English or any single honors course for that matter. In any case, I’d always wanted to be a medical doctor.
In fact I will say that I practice medicine on my own privately. I think this is because I always had an inclination for it. And I think the interest was actually developed by my father. At a very young age there was a book that he bought for us entitled, “Where There is No Doctor.”
I would read it through and through with such excitement that I said to myself that I was going to become a medical doctor. However, when I got to form three in secondary school, I found myself struggling with Chemistry, although I performed very well in other subjects. I just couldn’t pass Chemistry and it was dreadful and that dashed my aspiration to study Medicine.
But I said very quickly, ‘what next can I do?’ And my father said since I could talk and was quite good in the Arts, I should go for Law. So I found myself putting in for Law as a course.
What other formative experiences shaped your choice?
I largely grew up in Lagos. But I was born in Port Harcourt. My family only moved to Lagos when I was three years old.
I have lived in Lagos pretty much all my life. So, living in Lagos shaped me and my outlook to life. I am cosmopolitan to boot. I think I was 10 or 11 when I first step foot in Benin and that also mean I don’t speak my native Benin language fluently. My mother is from Bayelsa.
In a nutshell, I grew up in Lagos; then went to Federal Government College, Warri, where I did three years and finally proceeded to the University of Benin, where I spent four years studying Law.
Truth is that UNIBEN was not my first choice. My first choice was the University of Jos (UNIJOS) for two reasons: I had a friend at FGC, Warri, that lived in Jos. Again, my father knew the Vice Chancellor of UNIJOS at the time.
But you know what, that did not avail much to me because my father was not the sort that would aid the bending of the rules for his children. I had reasoned that since I’d lived in Lagos practically all my life, I needed a change of environment.
When JAMB results were released, I went to JAMB office on Hawkworth Road in Ikoyi for two consecutive days, but could not find my name on the UNIJOS list. You can imagine how disillusioned and sad I was with this development. And although UNIBEN was my second choice, it didn’t for once occur to me to check the UNIBEN list.
However, one of my school mates at FGC, Warri, called me and was screaming, ‘Uwa congratulations, they’ve taken you; I saw your name.’ Then I went back for the third time to JAMB office to see where this person said she saw my name.
I went back to check the UNIJOS list and still could not find my name. That was when I decided to check on my second choice. Lo and behold I saw my name on the UNIBEN list. I was the second on the list. My score was the second highest for Law. While the first person scored 317, I scored 314.
Which experiences form your exciting memories at the Faculty of Law?
Professor Itse Sagay was one. He was the Dean of the Faculty at the time I graduated. I have the deepest respect for Prof. Sagay for a number of reasons: he was very humble and approachable.
I recall that back then I had an issue with a lecturer, who said he took a fancy to me. But I wasn’t in school for any of that; I was keenly focused on my studies.
I was even in a relationship as well. Then the lecturer started making some subtle threats like ‘you know I’m the one to mark your papers.’ He would pick on me during tutorials, asking me all the time to answer his questions. It was pretty obvious.
But you know what, I walked up to Prof. Sagay and I reported the case. And Prof promised there and then that he would be the one to mark my paper. I scored an A in that paper. The faculty also boasted the likes of Prof. Ameze Guobadia. She was a very strict woman. She later became the dean years after I had left.
She taught us Company Law.

The legend then was that during Company Law exams, there was always an ambulance stationed outside, because people would be collapsing and fainting from writing the course.
I would say that taking Company Law under Guobadia latter made me interested in corporate practice. There was also Prof. Yinka Osayeme Omorogbe, who I simply call Auntie Yinka. More precisely, she was my tutorial teacher then. She’s an absolute darling.
Your set at the Faculty of Law are currently the leaders of the legal profession in Nigeria. Can you recall what your relationship with some of them was like back then as students?
Well, the immediate past governor of Lagos State, Mr. Raji Fashola (SAN) belonged to my generation of students at the faculty, although he finished two years after I did.
The managing partner of the law firm of Udo Udoma and Bello Osagie, Mr. Dan Agbor, was also in my class. Chief Charles Edosamwan (SAN) entered the same year with us but he finished a year earlier in 1984.
I finished in 1985. The immediate past president of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Mr. Augustine Alege (SAN) was also in my class right from first year to final year. These are the ones I can readily call to mind at the moment.
Can you recall the beginnings of your professional life as a lawyer?
While in Law School, there was this guy I met. I had known him way back in UNIBEN. He finished a year earlier. He was the one that told me of the law firm of Bentley and Edu.
He said if I was looking for a place to do my law office attachment, I should try the place out. And I did. I really loved the place. It was very modern and in a lovely building.
At the end of doing my attachment with them, they offered me a job. But I told them that I could only take up the job when I was finally done with Law School.
However, once I was done with Law School, I could not take up the job immediately. My reason was that I was living in Isolo and would have to go to the Island, where the office was located. I felt that would be to stressful for me. At that point I was newly married. So, I ended up working for Dr. Raymond Dokpesi.
At the time he was operating the African Ocean Line, a shipping company located in Apapa. I felt Apapa was not too far from Isolo.
I was employed as a legal officer in the legal department of the company. I served them for one year while doing my Youth Service. But in 1989, I went back to Bentley and Edu and told them I needed a job.
And they said the offer made to me in ’86 was still available; that I should tell them when I wanted to take up the offer. I must give credit to the founder and senior partner of the firm, Mr. Demola Edu.
If he didn’t give me the platform to shine, I probably would not have been here, because that was my foundation. I was in Bentley and Edu from 1989 to ’96. In 1996, however some of us felt the need to leave. It wasn’t too pleasant, but again we felt the need to do other things. And so we left and started Etti, Edu and Co in 1996. When we started, there were three male partners and a female partner.
I happened to be the female partner. The firm started on the back of an area of practice called Intellectual Property. But very quickly, we started developing other areas of commercial practice. Now, in the area of Intellectual Property practice, we are regarded as number one in Nigeria.
In any case, the firm has equal strength in other areas of commercial practice, such as dispute resolution and litigation. We are rated in chambers by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR).
We are also in Legal 500. I have led the Intellectual Property practice in the firm to win practically every award that is winnable in the area both locally and internationally.
Since it appears many Nigerians, especially creatives, hardly insist on their Intellectual Property rights, from which part of the world do you get most of your clients?
About 90 percent of our clients are international clients. Indeed, most Nigerians don’t understand the importance of IP in their private endevours. Even those in public offices don’t even understand the central importance of IP in driving the economy.
All the rights that go around branding have to do with Intellectual property. Granted that IP is an intangible right, but the value is unbelievable. When people know the importance of IP, when they understand that it is the driver of any thriving economy; when they understand that it brings in investments into the country, then the authorities would begin to see need to update our laws to be able to take advantage of the inherent value of Intellectual Property.
Take India, for example. That country understands the value of Intellectual Property and how to put it to use in advancing the good of their society. India refused to grant a patent right in respect of an AIDS drug to a giant pharmaceutical company.
They actually refused to grant them a second patent for an improved AIDS medication, because they were trying to protect their country. They had reasoned that if drugs are not made available at an affordable rate to the Indian people, why should patent on the drug be granted to the company?

So, they decided to open their market so that all the generic drugs for AIDS would come in so that their people can look into their composition and reproduce them for cheap and easy access. Those in authority in our country don’t think that way.
Can you hazard a guess as to the quantum of litigation generated as a result of disputes in respect of Intellectual Property?
Before you came to our office this morning, one of our clients in South Africa sent us an email that we should file some patent for them; that their patent was being infringed in Nigeria.
Even as we speak we’re representing one of our clients in an infringement action that had to do with a machine used for recording people’s biometrics.
We are representing the defendant, our client. The Federal Government of Nigeria was also sued in the matter. But this machine we are talking about is already in the public domain, because it is now open to anybody who wants to produce it.
So you cannot have a right to it. But because of the way our patent laws operate, we have a lot of deficiencies.
People could get all sorts of things through. So the claimant got a patent on the machine registered, on the strength of which he sued our client for an unbelievable amount of money, about N30 billion.
Do you know that the trial judge granted the relief he sought? Now we are on appeal at the Court of Appeal. However, we’ve gotten the patent revoked. You know Nigeria does not check anything. Anything you file, they just give you a document.
Do you hold the view that part of the problem stems from the fact that Copy Right laws in Nigeria have yet to be strengthened?
Well, I should reiterate that our Copy Right Act is one of the best. But the others like the Trade Mark Act and the Patent and Design Act are simply archaic. These laws have been in force since 1938. Indeed, we are implementing a 1938 UK Act. It is ridiculous!
To this end, there is a bill sitting at the National Assembly drafted to take care of the anachronisms in those archaic legislations. They should pass that bill into law. Also, enforcement should be strengthened.
Penalties for infringement of the rights protected under the Act should be stiffer. A law that says infringement would only be punishable by an option of a fine of just N1000 lacks the ability to serve as a deterrent.
As a lawyer whose practice doesn’t really involve litigation, what would you say to those who believe that a lawyer who is not into litigation is not really a lawyer?
There are people who you even expect to be more enlightened, but you hear them say ‘you don’t go to court, what sort of lawyer are you?’
And I say to them Intellectual Property is my area of practice. It is an aspect of Commercial Law. I advise clients on their rights in Nigeria to ensure that those rights are protected. In our firm we are also into immigration law.
Our immigration practice is the biggest in Nigeria. We have litigation practice, obviously. We are also into ADR.
We encourage our clients to explore ADR. The court shouldn’t be the first place of call when a dispute arises. In fact, one of our partners is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Arbitrators. So our ADR practice is also very sound.
Can you hazard a guesstimate as to the amount of contribution that the legal services market makes to the nation’s GDP?
I can’t make that quantification right now, but I know that it is huge. For a number of years, the South African economy was rated way ahead of ours. But the projections for the Nigerian economy are getting better.
There are all sorts of private initiatives taking place. So a lot of money is being pumped into Nigeria for projects.
Look at the hospitality industry, for example. It is growing in leaps and bounds. The real estate market is not doing badly. Look at the Lekki corridor right up to the Free Zone.
The Dangotes and others are building. It is amazing. In all of the transactions arising from them, lawyers are called in to tidy negotiations and seal up deals, mega deals, because they know that if you don’t sort out your legal end, you would run into terrible trouble. So, regarding the legal services market, I will say we are just scratching the surface. 

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