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Saudi and French Ministers Explore Opportunities to Enhance Industrial Cooperation

Meeting of the two ministers

Paris, France//- The Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Bandar bin Ibrahim Al-Khorayef, held discussions with his French counterpart, the French Minister of Industry, Roland Lescure, during an official visit to the Republic of France.

The meeting took place in Paris and focused on exploring opportunities to strengthen industrial cooperation between the two countries, as well as addressing matters of shared interest.

The ministers reviewed the progress of joint projects and agreements, and examined promising investment opportunities in various industrial sectors. They also discussed strategies to boost trade exchange and facilitate non-oil exports.

Highlighting the depth of bilateral relations between the two friendly nations, the meeting emphasized the importance of reciprocal visits to broaden mutual ties, particularly in the industrial and mining sectors.

It is worth noting that the official visit of the Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources to the Republic of France commenced yesterday. This visit aligns with the Kingdom’s commitment to bolster the industrial and mining sectors within its national economy, and to foster advancements in several promising industries.

The visit also seeks to attract high-quality investments and expand the access of Saudi non-oil exports to the French and European markets.

African Eye Report

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