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Mugabe Shames the West As He Hangs on to Power

Robert Mugabe

Accra, Ghana, November 19, 2017//-Zimbabwe’s embattled President Robert Mugabe has shamed the West and the world for failing to resigning this evening in spite of deafening pressure on to relinquish power.

There were earlier reports that the 93-year-old president was expected to announce his resignation during the live TV telecast. But he swerved his enemies from the West.

Earlier in the day, his party the Zanu-PF sacked him as its leader and ordered him to resign in less than 24 hours as president or face impeachment.

Mr Mugabe’s hangs on to power has weakened following the Zimbabwean military intervention last week in a succession brawl.

The crisis which started after he sacked his deputy, Emmerson Mnangagwa, two weeks ago, anger the army who suspected that Mr Mugabe was attempting to pass on the leadership baton to his wife, Grace popularly known in the political cycle as “Gucci”.

Mr Mnangagwa was announced in Harare as Zanu-PF’s new leader and candidate for the 2018 general elections, earlier today.

Mr Mugabe’s 52-year-old wife, Grace, was barred from the party, alongside a number of other senior officials at the same party meeting where Mr Mnangagwa was elevated.

Mr Mugabe said this evening: “The (ruling Zanu-PF) party congress is due in a few weeks and I will preside over its processes”. This statement attracted odd looks from the army chiefs and other senior members of the Zanu-PF who were at the meeting.

He was quick to acknowledge the plethora of criticism leveled against him from the Zanu-Pf, the military and public, However did not show any sign of resigning.

African Eye Report

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