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Ghana: Rural Farmer Care Initiative Provides Health Screening For Farmers

About 253 rural farmers in the Kwahu South Municipality in the Eastern Region, have so far received medical screening organized by the Rural Farmer Care Initiative (RFCI) since its inception this year, a statement by the group has said.

In addition, RFCI has helped to provide a number of the farmers, who were diagnosed with eye-conditions with spectacles to improve their sight to help them carry out their farming operations.

RFCI, is a local non-profit farmer initiative and focuses on the health and well-being of rural farmers and operates in four thematic areas: Health and Well-being, Agricultural Extension Services, Farm Inputs Financing and Storage and Processing.

Among other things, RFCI’s objectives include, raising awareness on poor vision and nutrition, provision of free medical screening (Eye, Blood Pressure, etc.), provision of affordable/free eye lenses/glasses for those in need and training farmers on climate smart agriculture (SMA).

On October 13 this year, RFCI joined the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) to call on millions on to love their eyes as part of this year’s World Sight Day. This year’s campaign, #LoveYourEyes encourages individuals to prioritise their eye health and focus on its importance.

Kwahu Besease, a farming community with a population of about 1200 in the Kwahu South Municipality in the Eastern Region hosted this year’s World Sight Day.

RFCI’s activities and donations are supported by voluntary contributions from its seven seven volunteers. The group wants to work with the various eye foundations, eye health sector and members of the public to support their activities to scale up work to cover other rural population across the country.

African Eye Report

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