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Ghana: Council Slams Gov’t Over Suspension of Birth Cert Issuance in Volta Region

Birth certificate

July 12, 2018//-A youth group in Anlo has condemned a supposed government directive suspending the registration of births in the Volta Region, describing the action as “discriminatory and detestable”.

According to the group, the Anlo Youth Council (AYC), its independent checks from the district offices of the Birth and Death Registry in the region confirmed the cessation of issuance of birth certificates in the Volta Region, indicating the directive is in full effect.

“The Council finds this disposition of government discriminatory and detestable as the directive deprives indigenes of the region their indefeasible rights and access to government services,” the group said in a statement Thursday.

“Forty-Eight (48) years after the popular Sallah vs Attorney General case, the executive government is least expected to conduct itself in such discriminatory manner as we now witness from the current executive government,” it added.

It has meanwhile asked anyone affected by any “arbitrary transfers” within the public service or being denied government services due to the government directive to contact the AYC.

The Council said it is preparing to take legal action against the government to “to restore sanity and sanctity in the provision of government services in the Volta Region”.




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